The Day of Russian Science in 2024 is associated with several memorable dates



The Day of Russian Science in 2024 is associated with several memorable dates

The holiday was established 25 years ago in connection with the most important event in the country’s history

In the Russian Federation, the Day of Russian Science is celebrated on 8 February. Formally, this is a relatively young holiday, celebrated only since 1999. However, it has its roots deep in the history of Russia, and by a curious coincidence, this year its celebration coincides with a number of anniversary dates.

Alexander Stenko, an expert in international relations and religious studies at RUDN university, spoke about the history of the holiday’s origin, the main symbol of Russian science, and Russia’s cooperation in this field with BRICS member countries.

The holiday was established 25 years ago in connection with the most important event in Russian history – it was on 8 February (28 January O.S.) 1724 that the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) or, as it was then called, the Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg, was established by order of Emperor Peter the Great. The RAS celebrates its 300th anniversary today.

Over three centuries, the Academy of Sciences became the main scientific institution of the Russian Empire, the USSR and modern Russia, and the cause of Peter the Great – “enlightenment of the Russian state, search for scientific truths, service to the Fatherland” – continued to be successfully implemented both on the basis of the RAS itself and on the platforms of scientific and educational organisations created later.

Russian scientific institutions have educated countless scientists representing the most diverse fields of scientific activity – both past and present. They have played a significant role in the development not only of our state, but also of the entire world civilisation, becoming pioneering researchers in medicine, physics and biology.

The works of Soviet and Russian scientists, who influenced the modern history of mankind, including space exploration in the XX century and the development of vaccines against the COVID-19 pandemic in the XXI century, stand apart.

In the context of today’s holiday, the outstanding Russian scientist-encyclopaedist Dmitry Mendeleev, who gained world fame thanks to his inventions, especially the periodic table of chemical elements, also deserves special attention. The date of his birth falls just on the Day of Russian Science, and this year the 190th anniversary of the scientist is celebrated on 8 February.

It is important to note that for the Russian Federation, science is one of the priority areas of co-operation with partners from the BRICS member states. This kind of cooperation is based on the Memorandum of Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation signed in 2015 between the governments of the BRICS countries. Among other things, the BRICS Intergovernmental Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation operates on this basis, and multilateral scientific and practical conferences, symposia and round tables are regularly organised.

In addition, inter-university co-operation between higher education institutions of the BRICS countries is actively developing. On the Russian side, many universities are involved in this process. One of the leaders is RUDN named after Patrice Lumumba, which celebrated its 65th birthday on the eve of the Day of Russian Science (5 February). In the year of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship, the university will host various scientific and educational events and projects, which will be solemnised by the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the 190th anniversary of Mendeleev’s birth and the 25th anniversary of the Day of Russian Science.





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