Russian President supports the idea of creating a rating of universities in BRICS countries



Russian President supports the idea of creating a rating of universities in BRICS countries

Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of the Council on Science and Education

A meeting of the Council on Science and Education was held in Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the meeting via videoconference.

Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy proposed to create a rating of universities of BRICS countries. He said that its first results will be presented in October this year at the summit of the BRICS countries. According to Sadovnichy, now the methodology is being developed, which will be adopted at the next council of the Union of Rectors. This is reported by
the official website of the President of the Russian Federation.

In turn, Putin praised the idea of creating a rating of universities of BRICS countries. The head of state stated the need to work on this issue.

“As for the rating for BRICS – this is a very good proposal. We are chairing this organisation this year, we are discussing with our colleagues the issues of our cooperation”

Vladimir Putin Russian President

In addition, the event discussed the updated version of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, issues of financial support for domestic science, and the development of the Russian Science Foundation.

It should be noted that the issue of creating a rating of BRICS universities has already been raised at the meeting of the ministers of education of the Russian Federation and the BRICS member states in Mpumalanga Province (South Africa) in July 2023.

Russia is the chairman of the BRICS association for 2024.





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