Russia to continue to implement the BRICS People Choosing Life programme in the year of its chairmanship in the association

During its BRICS chairmanship, the Russian Federation will continue to implement the programme called “BRICS People Choosing Life”. Within the framework of this programme, 12 projects covering the humanitarian and business tracks will be implemented.

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN) has already started work on the Russian phase of the programme. The international socio-cultural programme “BRICS People Choosing Life” will be implemented by the Regional NGO “BRICS. World of Traditions” in the countries of the association from 2022 to 2028 under the motto “from ecology of mind and body to ecology of the world”.

One of the key goals of the programme is to promote multilateral projects aimed at uniting the peoples of the BRICS countries, educating children and youth on the moral heritage of outstanding representatives of the BRICS member states, preserving and promoting cultural and historical heritage of the past, developing trade and economic relations between the countries of the bloc.

RUDN hosted the presentation of the projects, demonstration of the cultural and educational exhibition “Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi: a unique legacy”, illustrating the famous correspondence of the two great thinkers about the idea of non-resistance to evil by evil.

The second stage of the programme will take place in the year of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship in 2024 and will be dedicated to the 195th anniversary of Leo Tolstoy’s birth, the 75th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s memory, the 150th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich’s birth and the 100th anniversary of the Central Asian Expedition of Nicholas, Yuri and Elena Roerich, the 550th anniversary of Afanasy Nikitin’s memory, and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of trade and economic relations between Russia and India.

During the Russian programme, 12 humanitarian and business projects will be implemented, such as “BRICS Youth for Cyber Security”, “BRICS Youth Anthem”, “Great Teachers of BRICS”, “Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi Centre”, “Open Your Heart to Kindness”, “Great Teacher Nicholas Roerich. From the Turquoise Katun to the Ganges”, “Boxing Ring as a Platform for Moral Self-Education of BRICS Youth”, “Afanasy Nikitin: Trade Route to India”, and “BRICS Trade House AURA”.

The first phase of the programme took place in the Republic of India in December 2022. The cities of New Delhi, Mumbai and Pune hosted 12 cultural, educational and business events with the participation of more than two thousand students and representatives of the business sphere. Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Russia’s Sherpa in BRICS, noted that the ideology brought to the world by Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy, as well as programmes such as “BRICS People Choosing Life” are in demand now more than ever. He emphasised that it is a living creation covering all areas of cooperation from trade and economy to science, education and value element.

Photo: RUDN



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