Putin to attend virtual summit of G20 leaders and teleconference of BRICS heads of state



Putin to attend virtual summit of G20 leaders and teleconference of BRICS heads of state

The virtual summit of G20 leaders will be the last meeting organised under the Indian presidency

India will host a virtual summit of Group of Twenty (G20) leaders on 22 November, announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 summit in September this year. This is reported by
Prensa Latina, a partner of TV BRICS.

New Delhi has invited all G20 members, including the African Union chairperson, along with nine guest countries and heads of 11 international organisations for the upcoming meeting, the Indian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

According to a diplomatic source, the virtual summit aims to take forward the results on key and selected action points of the Delhi Declaration and review the deliberations of the Second Voice of the Global South Summit held the previous day.

The meeting is also expected to enhance the implementation of various decisions within the bloc and at relevant national and international platforms, the official note emphasised.

The virtual summit of G20 leaders will be the last meeting organised under the Indian chairmanship as the leadership of the bloc will be taken over by Brazil from December 1.

In addition, a teleconference of BRICS leaders is scheduled for this week.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed his participation in both events.





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