President of Russia welcomes guests and delegates of the First International Buddhist Forum



President of Russia welcomes guests and delegates of the First International Buddhist Forum

In his address, Vladimir Putin noted the role of Buddhism in the history and modern life of Russia⁠

The head of the Russian Federation stressed that the doctrine has largely influenced the policy and ideology of our country as a multi-confessional and international state, as reported by the official website of the

Exceptionally peaceful, aimed at harmonious coexistence with all religions, Buddhism has made a significant contribution to the spirit of cohesion, mutual respect and unity of the peoples of Russia, set high spiritual and moral criteria for a huge number of Russians.

First International Buddhist Forum “Traditional Buddhism and Modern Challenges” is taking place 17-19 August in the capital of the Buryat Republic.

“It is gratifying that the current generation of followers of this ancient religion cherish its enduring values, the rich historical, cultural heritage of their ancestors, direct their efforts to harmonise inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue, consolidate peace and harmony in the country. And of course, I would like to note that the activities of the Buddhist community of Russia contribute to the strengthening of international contacts. This is convincingly evidenced by your forum, which brought together participants from different countries”

Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation

The Russian leader expressed confidence that friendship, respect and mutual interest will reign at the forum and that it will always be perceived as a place where one can freely discuss any theoretical and practical issues of Buddhism.

The meeting was attended by representatives of 13 countries who will take part in discussions and debates on a wide variety of issues of keen interest to Buddhists and those interested in this philosophy: problems of education, the role of Buddhism on the world stage, and the links between countries where this religion is accepted. They will also touch upon related topics – traditional medicine of the East and care for the preservation of the world material and non-material heritage of Buddhism.

Conferences and Buddhist rituals will be held on the margins of the forum, and at the end of the event a final communique will be formulated.

The First Buddhist Forum has become a platform for discussions on various aspects of this belief and worldview. The organisers of the event expect that it will strengthen and promote scientific, educational and cultural cooperation of Buddhist structures of all states involved in Buddhism.

The Forum is timed to coincide with the centenary of Buryatia, one of the important locations of world Buddhism. The Republic is the centre of this doctrine in Russia and disseminates and popularises Buddhism through educational activities. Buryatia also strengthens international relations with other countries where Buddhism is the main religion.





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