BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™


Egypt records increase in exports of…

Egypt records increase in exports of…

Nov 30, 202442 views2 min read
Iran and China sign cultural agreement…

Iran and China sign cultural agreement…

Nov 29, 202456 views2 min read
Projects in the field of AI…

Projects in the field of AI…

Nov 29, 202465 views3 min read
Brazil becomes 6th country to reach…

Brazil becomes 6th country to reach…

Nov 29, 202457 views2 min read

SA Parliament & Government Press Releases

BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™

BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™

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South Africa sees 5.1% rise in international tourist arrivals in 2024
Jiu-Jitsu tournament brings competitors from around the world to Moscow
International Antarctic circumnavigation expedition ends in Brazil
India ranks highest in global digital wellbeing index
Indonesia to restore peatlands and mangroves for major economic potential
Russia establishes mRNA Technology Centre to drive medical innovation
Ancient Iranian instruments sound at concert in Moscow
Venezuela launches cultural exchange programme to strengthen bilateral ties with Egypt
Belarus’ Central Election Commission officially approves Aleksander Lukashenko’s victory in presidential election

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