BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™


Trickers from China to take part…

Trickers from China to take part…

Jun 21, 202457 views3 min read
Digital Museum of China returns to…

Digital Museum of China returns to…

Jun 21, 202462 views1 min read
Death toll rises due to natural…

Death toll rises due to natural…

Jun 21, 202454 views2 min read
Business cluster for food security is…

Business cluster for food security is…

Jun 21, 202441 views1 min read
BRICS experts are in favour of…

BRICS experts are in favour of…

Jun 20, 202452 views2 min read

SA Parliament & Government Press Releases

BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™

BRICS+ news by DepiMedia™

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Ethiopia launches programme to combat climate change
Brazil’s coffee export is on the rise
Russia to host final of KARDO International Street Culture and Sports Award
Iranian engineers create device to combat heat and dust
Ethiopia attracts Iranian investors to develop industrial parks
China transforms roads to meet green standards
UAE opens public Cyber Defence Centre
India unveils 109 varieties of climate resilient crops
Saudi Arabia performs first-of-its-kind fully robotic tumour resection 

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