More than 2 million people are enrolled in India’s insurance programme for people over 70 years



More than 2 million people are enrolled in India’s insurance programme for people over 70 years

The programme provides treatment worth up to Rs 5 lakh crore

Within less than two months of the launch of the free health insurance programme for people above 70 years of age, the number of registered users has reached 2.5 million. This is reported by
ANI, a partner of TV BRICS.

The programme aims to make health services more accessible to poor and vulnerable families by offering health insurance up to Rs 5 lakh per family (US$5,890). 

It may be recalled that the world’s largest PMJAY programme was launched on 23 September 2018 by Prime Minister NarendraModi in Ranchi, Jharkhand. It provides cashless treatment including medicines, treatment and doctors’ fees, and operating theatre and intensive care services.

On the day of Dhanvantri Jayanti 2024, PM Modi announced the extension of medical cover for citizens above 70 years of age totalling Rs 3,437 crore (US$404 million). 





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