Leading politicians, diplomats and economists from the global South gather in Vladivostok



Leading politicians, diplomats and economists from the global South gather in Vladivostok

EEF-2024 participants discussed the future of the global economy

The 9th Eastern Economic Forum has come to an end in Vladivostok. More than 6000 representatives of 76 states and territories became the guests of the EEF. At various discussion platforms, they discussed issues related to this year’s main theme, “Far East 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential”. 

The business programme focused on the development of Russia’s Far Eastern regions and their external relations, as well as global trends in the development of the Asia-Pacific region.

As China is one of the most important trade and economic partners of the Russian Far East, a number of forum sessions were devoted to relations with this country. Government members, regional representatives and businesses from both countries discussed both general prospects for the development of the Russia-China partnership and more specialised topics, including cooperation in the automotive industry, high-tech and building a sustainable economy.

In an exclusive interview with TV BRICS, Zhou Liqun, Chairman of the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia, spoke about the scale of economic ties between Moscow and Beijing.

“For 14 years, China has been Russia’s key partner. Last year, trade turnover between our countries totalled about US$240 billion. It is expected to reach US$300 billion by 2030”

Zhou Liqun Chairman of the Union of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Russia

He also noted that Chinese business is interested in investing in the development of the Russian Far East. In this context, the Eastern Economic Forum is an effective platform for establishing business contacts, negotiations and concluding agreements between the business communities of the two countries.

Zhou Liqun added that the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan will be an equally important event for strengthening economic and political ties between Russia and China.

Another key economic partner of Russia is India. A business dialogue was devoted to various aspects of Russian-Indian cooperation, among the participants of which was Ksenia Komissarova, Editor-in-Chief of TV BRICS. She spoke about the media network’s work with foreign partners, including colleagues from India.

“India is a strategic direction in our work. It is traditionally one of the most active and interested partners. We co-operate with different media, both public and private, including TV channels”

Ksenia Komissarova Editor-in-Chief of TV BRICS

She added that the TV BRICS partner network currently includes more than 70 media outlets from more than 20 BRICS+ countries.

Indian Ambassador to Russia Vinay Kumar told TV BRICS that the work of Indian business in the Far East has a long history.

“More than 20 years ago, Indian companies started investing in the development of oil fields in Sakhalin,” the diplomat recalled.

He noted that interaction between Moscow and New Delhi is not limited to trade in natural resources.

“The Russian Far East is of great interest to India’s business community. We aim to expand business ties with this region and to increase investments. It is equally important to develop co-operation in science and education”

Vinay Kumar Ambassador of India to the Russian Federation

The diplomat said that more than 1,000 students from India study at universities in the Far East.

In addition to the issues of bilateral relations, an integral part of the forum’s programme was the discussion of the most important trends of the changing world. In particular, at the events “New Contours of International Cooperation”, representatives of the media and expert community of the BRICS+ countries analysed the development of ties between the countries of the global South.

In a commentary to TV BRICS, Nkosi Zweliwilile Mandela, Chairman of the International Russophile Movement as well as Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa, noted the leading role of the BRICS in shaping the new world order.

“Platforms like BRICS afford us the opportunities to be able to engage with one another, exchange ideas, and be able to pave a way into the future,” the South African representative stressed.

He also drew attention to Russia’s contribution to the development of the current international agenda. Moscow is an important partner both for South Africa and African countries in general.

Cooperation within the framework of integration associations of the global South was also in the centre of attention of the forum participants. In particular, during the Russia-ASEAN business dialogue, diplomats and representatives of business associations discussed the development of ties between Russia and members of the organisation.

Myanmar’s Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism, Thet Thet Khine, shared with TV BRICS her views on Russia’s role in the Asia-Pacific region.

“We must have a strategic partnership between ASEAN countries and Russia. We have to focus on some very important areas like transportation infrastructure and tourism”

Thet Thet Khine Myanmar’s Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism

She also emphasised the positive dynamics of bilateral relations between Russia and Myanmar. In particular, tourist traffic is growing, national payment systems are converging, and the route network of airlines is expanding.

The EEF has been held regularly since 2015 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University. This year, about 100 events of the business, cultural and sports programme were held as part of the forum. The forum is organised by the Roscongress Foundation. The TV BRICS International Media Network was a media partner of the event.





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