Iran proposes to create structure within the BRICS to deal with security issues



Iran proposes to create structure within the BRICS to deal with security issues

This was announced in St. Petersburg by the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran 

A meeting of high representatives of the BRICS and BRICS+ states in charge of security issues is taking place in St. Petersburg on 10-12 September. 

During the event, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Ali Akbar Ahmadian made a proposal to create a special structure within BRICS to deal with international terrorism and other threats. The initiative also envisages the creation of capabilities to ensure security in cyberspace. 

“My specific proposal is to create a special BRICS structure to counter common threats such as terrorism, <…> drug trafficking, human trafficking, the use of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and satellite systems for illicit purposes”

Ali Akbar Ahmadian Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu moderated the meeting. He emphasised that the BRICS countries are making a significant contribution to countering international terrorism. 

Shoigu held bilateral talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The minister said that the Chinese leadership supports Russia’s work within the BRICS chairmanship and is ready to join efforts to deepen mutual trust and cooperation between the countries of the group. This is reported by
CGTN, a partner of TV BRICS. 

In addition, the Chinese foreign minister noted the great importance of the meeting being held in Russia’s Northern Capital. According to him, the BRICS states should continue to enhance coordination on international security issues and develop practical cooperation. 

Meanwhile, Wang said that China supports Russia’s work as the rotating chair of BRICS and is willing to join hands to deepen mutual trust and cooperation among BRICS countries, to shape the BRICS mechanism into a major channel for emerging powers to make their voices heard and an important platform for solidarity and cooperation of the Global South and to continuously create new paradigms for BRICS+ cooperation.

“China is willing to strengthen strategic communication with Russia, to give full play to the China-Russia Strategic Security Consultation Mechanism and the BRICS Security Council Mechanism”

Wang Yi Chinese Foreign Minister

The event in St. Petersburg is being held within the framework of Russia’s chairmanship in the association. Delegations from about 20 countries took part in it.





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