China launches new Earth observation satellite



China launches new Earth observation satellite

The launch marks the 484th flight mission of the Long March carrier rockets

China launched a new Earth observation satellite on Monday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in northwest China.

The satellite, named Gaofen-12 04, was launched aboard a Long March-4C carrier rocket precisely at 1:45 AM (Beijing time), and it effectively achieved its intended orbit.

Designed to serve multiple purposes, the satellite will play a pivotal role in diverse sectors such as land surveys, urban planning, road network layout, agricultural production assessment, and disaster relief efforts.

The launch marks the 484th flight mission of the Long March carrier rockets, as reported by
Xinhua News Agency, a partner of TV BRICS.

This satellite launch is part of China’s ongoing efforts to enhance its Earth observation capabilities and technological advancements in space exploration.

Xinhua News Agency




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