China introduces new industry initiatives to improve energy conservation and reduce carbon dioxide emissions



China introduces new industry initiatives to improve energy conservation and reduce carbon dioxide emissions

China intends to strengthen the energy-saving evaluation system for fixed asset investment projects

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) unveiled new sectoral initiatives aimed at improving energy conservation and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, demonstrating China’s commitment to a comprehensive ecological transformation of economic and social progress. This is reported by
CCTV+, a partner of TV BRICS.

During the press briefing, an NDRC representative highlighted the significant potential for improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions in various sectors. Currently, most boilers, motors, transformers and other equipment are operating below optimal efficiency levels, and a large proportion of buildings do not meet national energy-saving standards.

Upcoming measures will include a thorough assessment of energy efficiency and widespread adoption of advanced technologies to steadily reduce energy consumption. NDRC spokesperson Li Chao said, “We must integrate energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformations in key sectors with large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer goods replacement initiatives. We will conduct thorough energy efficiency diagnostics for key energy-consuming units, explore in depth the energy-saving potential in industries, buildings, transportation, and public institutions, and expedite the upgrading of energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures and the renewal of energy-consuming equipment.”

China intends to strengthen the energy-saving evaluation system for fixed asset investment projects and strengthen supervision both during and after implementation.





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