BRICS countries hold a meeting on nuclear medicine in Russia



BRICS countries hold a meeting on nuclear medicine in Russia

Nuclear medicine working group to be established in 2023

The first meeting of the BRICS working group on nuclear medicine was held in Moscow at the Second Future Technologies Forum. The BRICS Working Group on Nuclear Medicine was established in 2023 by the decision of the XV BRICS Summit. It includes leading experts in the field who represent the largest research and medical centres.

“Today, nuclear medicine is the most important area for the development of high-tech personalised approach to the diagnosis and treatment of oncological and non-oncological diseases. Russia is one of the largest suppliers of radioisotope products for medical purposes. At the same time, the BRICS countries have vast resources in the field of development and application of nuclear medicine methods and tools and are eager to cooperate in solving a socially important task for all countries – to improve the quality of life and reduce patient mortality,” said Andrey Stanzhevsky, Deputy Director for Research at the Russian Scientific Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A. M. Granov of the Russian Ministry of Health, President of the Russian Society of Nuclear Medicine.

The next stage of the work is to discuss the development of nuclear medicine in the BRICS countries and to form ways of fruitful cooperation to achieve one goal – to improve the quality and duration of life of citizens. This is reported by

In June 2024, an international forum of BRICS countries on nuclear medicine will be held in St. Petersburg with the participation of representatives of the expert community and public authorities in the field of healthcare.





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