Which countries may join BRICS?



Which countries may join BRICS?

BRICS is an association of 10 countries, where almost 45% of the world’s population lives

BRICS does not have a strict structure, charter or chairman. The group positions itself as a platform for mutually beneficial partnership between member countries – it works in the format of annual summits, where heads of state discuss opportunities to accelerate economic growth, ensure social stability and strengthen the bloc’s position in the global community.

In 2024 the summit in Kazan is planned to invite the heads of member states and heads of executive structures of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, possibly a number of other countries and regional structures.

In an exclusive commentary to TV BRICS, Victoria Perskaya, Director of the Institute of Economic and Economic Studies at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, noted that the expansion of BRICS members is evidence of the growing authority of the association in the international arena and the recognition by member countries of the significance of such a partnership for the realisation of their national interests and the improvement of the welfare of their citizens.

“This is a joint work of the member countries to form a fair world order that seeks to ensure equal rights and provide equal opportunities, including in the issue of assistance to poor countries. It is a multipolar world where countries find consensus in the decisions they take”

Victoria Perskaya Expert in economics of the EAEU, BRICS, SCO countries

Who wants to join BRICS? What are the criteria?

Under Russia’s presidency of BRICS, active work is underway to develop the selection criteria and candidates to be admitted to BRICS, but given the principles of BRICS creation, all criteria and the list of partners will be discussed and approved by all BRICS members in Kazan.

Viktoria Perskaya notes that the political and economic weight of this or that applicant country, its place not only in its region, but also in the international arena as a whole, will be taken into account.

“An indispensable condition is support for the principles of multipolarity and increasing the role of developing countries in global governance, as well as the fundamental values of BRICS, including the spirit of equality, mutual respect, openness, inclusiveness, constructive co-operation.”

Which countries have already expressed interest and applied to join BRICS?

There are countries that are about to join BRICS or have expressed their desire to do so. Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Senegal, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam and others have already applied for membership. Earlier, Russian Federation Council said there were 40 countries willing to join BRICS.

The fact of submitting an application does not bind to anything, subsequently countries can withdraw them or change their mind to join the bloc at the last moment, for example, due to internal political changes. This is exactly what Argentina did in 2023.

Let’s consider a few countries that want to join BRICS


Algeria has submitted a formal application to join BRICS in November 2022.

“Let’s hope 2023 will be the year Algeria joins BRICS,” Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said on 22 December in a televised speech on the national television channel.

According to experts, BRICS is of interest to Algeria as a separate structure that complements the global market.

Algeria’s membership in BRICS could offer it increased opportunities for trade, investment and technological exchange with member countries, which could lead to greater economic growth and diversification, as well as open up new export markets for the country.


Speaking on the “With Maduro+” programme on 20 February, the Venezuelan president made a resounding statement: “The trend of a new world and the strengthening of BRICS is irreversible!”. Moreover, the leader of the Latin American state promised to join BRICS “very soon”

Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Ron said the Latin American country would be able to join the association:

“We expect it to happen. We have expressed our intention to join. I think Venezuela will make a good contribution to the association,” he said.

According to Ron, Caracas has been discussing the issue of joining with several BRICS member countries and has received support in this matter.

Unlike other international groups, there is no straightforward process to enter BRICS. To potentially join, Venezuela has not only to formally apply but also receive unanimous backing from all their members.


In May 2023, the heads of BRICS member states received official appeals from President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the country’s admission to BRICS.

According to Belarusian diplomats, this decision was “an absolutely logical step” given the course to expand interaction with traditional partners.

“This decision was an absolutely logical step in the context of the implementation of the Belarusian approaches to expand interaction in multilateral formats with traditional partners,” the country’s Foreign Ministry said.

Why do so many countries want to join BRICS?

Ruslan Grebnev, Deputy Dean of the Global Processes Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University for International Cooperation in his exclusive commentary to TV BRICS notes that the BRICS expansion allows to systematically address many economic and political issues.

“What is no less important, BRICS is becoming a platform for dialogue of civilizations. Since BRICS is based on the principles of mutual respect of civilisational communities, mutually beneficial and equal interstate relations within the association acquire a stable basis. BRICS opens the prospect for the development of network diplomacy – the formation of alliances of several countries on foreign policy interests, initially secured by consultations and agreements in the BRICS format”

Ruslan Grebnev Expert in international relations

Experts believe that today BRICS is becoming a natural pole of attraction for developing countries.





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