Rio de Janeiro announces competition for Integrario 2024 programme
Rio de Janeiro City Hall has announced a competition for the second edition of the Integrario 2024 programme.
Secretary Marcos Dias explains that the second edition of the programme will select and sponsor up to 180 projects aimed at the sustainable development of the city, focusing on economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects that promote the diffusion, cooperation, development and integration of Rio de Janeiro with other municipalities and institutions in the state. This is reported by
Toda Palavra, a partner of TV BRICS.
During the first edition of the project in 2022, some 355 integration activities and actions were carried out in more than 42 cities, financially supported by Rio de Janeiro City Hall, resulting in the strengthening of various sectors and the creation of hundreds of jobs.
Secretary Marcos Dias says: “The City of Rio de Janeiro, as a reference and state capital, has the mission and the need to lead the expansion of its activities in a way that influences municipalities, especially metropolitan ones, with the cooperation and integration of governments. With an increased budget, in a year when our city is recognised as the G20 World Capital, our secretariat will continue to sponsor projects that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”
According to the Secretary for Capital Integration, the scale of the 2024 event will be three times larger than the previous one. This year, R$30 million (US$6 million) will be available for sponsorship.