Rio de Janeiro’s state theatres and museums to be switched to solar energy
Eight facilities managed by the Anita Mantuano Arts Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro – Funarj will now run on solar energy.
The initiative, which has pioneered the use of clean energy in public theatres and museums, involves the installation of more than 800 photovoltaic panels and the creation of five solar energy production stations. This is reported by
Toda Palavra, a partner of TV BRICS.
The project aims to bring art and sustainability together. Four units have already received the equipment needed for installation, and the devices should arrive at the Joao Caetano Theatre. The credits accumulated will be used to reduce energy consumption at other cultural institutions in the network.
This initiative reinforces the state’s commitment to sustainable development and the modernisation of cultural facilities, contributing to a greener future for arts and culture in Rio de Janeiro.