India names two wetlands of international importance
The nation highlighted recently designated natural places of national significance in observance of World Environment Day
The Nakti and Nagi Bird Sanctuaries are India’s newest wetlands of worldwide significance. This is reported by
ANI, a partner of TV BRICS.
These artificial reservoirs are situated in Bihar, India. Their catchments are hills encircled by dry forests.
The Nakti Bird Sanctuary was created mainly for irrigation, the source claims, with the building of the Nakti Dam. Since the dam’s construction, over 150 different species of birds, animals, fish, aquatic plants, reptiles, and amphibians have made their home in the wetlands and their environs.
These include sensitive native catfish (Wallago attu) and endangered species around the globe, such as the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus).
The marsh was designated as a bird sanctuary in 1984, highlighting its significance as a wintering habitat for numerous migratory species. During the winter, about 20,000 birds gather here.
After the Nagi River was dammed, reservoirs with clean water and aquatic flora began to form, leading to the creation of the Nagi Bird Sanctuary.
It is reported that the wetlands also provide almost 9,800 acres of agricultural land with a consistent supply of water for irrigation and serve as a destination for tourist, leisure, and educational pursuits.