9th India Day Festival comes to end in Moscow



9th India Day Festival comes to end in Moscow

The festival, which lasted 4 days, has managed to become a traditional celebration of Indian culture in Russia

The 9th India Day festival was unique: its opening began on India’s Independence Day, 15 August, with a flag-raising ceremony.

The theme of the 2024 India Day festival was “Family” and special attention was given to the “Wedding in India” themed zone, which hosted a daily show on the traditions of Indian weddings.

More than 20 thematic zones worked for the guests all four days: “Chess”, “Holi”, “Mehndi”, “Astrology”, “Relax Zone” (Yoga and Meditation), “Bhakti Land Zone”, Indian Fair. In the Bollywood Cinema zone, new Indian cinema and favourite films were introduced daily. The total number of performers in the show programme exceeded 500. TV BRICS acted as the media partner of the event.

150 festival partners presented original souvenirs at a large fair whose pavilions occupied the entire central street of the festival. Everyone had the opportunity to buy unique goods from India, including natural cosmetics, ethnic jewellery and traditional clothes. It was a chance to try authentic Indian dishes.

The festival was attended by about 2.2 million guests, among them were the Head of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow Sergey Cheremin, Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation Vinay Kumar, ambassadors of Namibia, Thailand, Bolivia and other countries. Every day, visitors to the vibrant event were welcomed by Sammy Kotwani, President of the Sita Indian Cultural and National Centre and the founder of the event.

The event was organised by the Sita Indian Cultural and National Centre. It was supported by the Moscow Government, the Ministry of Culture of Moscow, the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow and others.

Photo: Sita Indian Cultural and National Centre




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